
Friday, 19 September 2014

High Five for Friday!

Happy Friday Everyone!!

I hope you all had a great week. Mine has gone pretty well (and fast!) which is nice and the weather is supposed to be BEAUTIFUL in Vancouver so I will definitely be heading to the beach at some point and try to make this summer tan last a bit longer. Here are the highlights of the week:

1. My all time favourite beer is the Granville Island brewing Robson Street Hefeweizen and it's always my go to. Before Mike left, he brought home some of these and I was like "Hey Day? What?!" Turns out they just renamed it and gave the packaging a little facelift. I'm alright with making things look prettier. Also, please note this was my friday night, Mike working late and me with beer and pizza in my pyjama pants at 8:00. What can I say, I'm a party animal.

2. I got to meet this sweetheart! I mentioned last week that Mike's brother and sister in law had their baby. Well here she is, Kenzie Rose. She's so adorable!

3. My sister helped organize the Terry Fox Run near my home town so I went and was taking photos and getting in on the fun and support the great cause.

4. Mike is on the other side of the province for a couple weeks and he's been telling me how it's going. This was a conversation we had on Monday about how he's been eating over there. You can kind of tell he is a picky eater.

5. Last night I had soccer practise but couldn't play because I hurt my foot during the week (of course I did) because a stick went THROUGH the bottom of my leather Steve Madden flats... while I was walking on asphalt.  I still don't know how I accomplished that. But I went to practise anyway and brought along some company! Harvey was so intrigued by all the little dogs running around the park but he behaved and accepted all of the attention he got from the team.

That's it for this week! I hope you all have a great weekend!

stay clumsy
xx jamie

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