here are the highlights of the week:
We babysat our nephew, Mr. C this weekend and let me tell you, that kid is adorable. We went to the park, played with the doggies and rabbits and had pancakes for breakfast! It's awesome having him for a sleep over and it's nice giving him back as well ;-)
How cute are they?!
Because we babysat Mr. C and his favourite movie is frozen... well you guessed it. We got to watch it twice this weekend. The only times I've watched it are with him but I already know most of the word. When you are belting out let it go and a 3 year old tells you to stop, you know you don't sound very good. I ain't no Idina over here, that's for sure.
I met up with my friend, KP for a crisp, autumn walk. I love this type of weather and there is a trail near my house that is beautiful. The air was cold, Starbucks was warm and the conversation was great!
I am officially addicted to face masks. I feel so relaxed and rested when I have a mask on and that glass of wine while I'm waiting helps the time go by fast ;-) if you can keep a secret, a certain boyfriend may have done a mask with me the other day...and you know he loved it!
I signed up for the gym that is in my office tower so now I literally have no excuse not to work out! It has felt great to get back in to lifting weights and using the machines plus it always helps break up the work day as well!
I hope you have a fantastic weekend!
Mine will be filled with lots of turkey :) YUM
stay clumsy
xx jamie
I just saw Frozen and I kept it on my dvr bc it's really a great movie! Nephew is really cute.